Zojila pass will open for Traffic in the last week of April

Col P. Kumar CO VIJAYAK told that his team has started the snow clearance work on 10th of March but heavy snowfall after one day created problems. He said that his team has to restart the clearance work from Matayen and this time the snow accumulation is more than last year which creates problem in locating the road.
He appreciated the efforts of the VIJAYAK personal working on the road particularly the Locals as according to him without them the task was difficult.
Col P. Kumar termed the Zojila pass as an important link (Lifeline for Ladakh particularly Kargil) and his team is doing their best to reach the target before time but he added that due to the heavy snowfall in the second week of March this year there will be possibilities of Avalanches after the snow clearance which is the biggest challenge to face.