Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
Commandant 5th Btn, ITBP, flags off Bharat Darshan tour
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
Sep 26, 2018

The first batch of Bharat Darshan tour 2018-19 including 33 students and 2 teachers along with ITBP officials were flagged off on September 22 from Drona Hall, 5th Btn ITBP.
Commandant 5th Btn ITBP, Pritam Singh in presence of Ravi Gautam second –in- command O/C SHQ LDK and Nikhil Jain 16th Btn and other officials flagged off the tour.
The tour is scheduled to be conducted from Leh to Bhubaneswar via Delhi. Students will be visiting different historical places and monuments and will also interact with different dignitaries of the Central Government.
The group includes 20 students from Government Council Model School Serthi, 7 from Government Middle School, Tagar, Sakti and 6 from Government High School, Shara along with Head Master Sonam Gyaltson and teacher Raman Bali from Government High School, Shara. Dr. Dharmender Sharma AC/Vet and Inspector Suchit Kumar Thakur also accompanied.
Bharat Darshan tour is conducted with an objective to enhance the educational, interactive and cultural knowledge of the students by visiting different places of the country and also to develop a mutual relation between the security forces and the civilians.
Commandant 5th Btn Pritam Singh (Sector Commander) ITBP intimated them about the provisions and arrangements made and wished them good luck. He expressed hope that the tour will be beneficial and successful as per the objective with which it is conducted.
Tracksuits, caps, and shoes to the participating students and officials were also distributed.