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Meeting held on issue related with Cooperative Sector in Ladakh Chhering Dorje Lakrook examined the work of Cooperatives
By Padma Angmo
May 06, 2015

Leh :
Being appointed as Cabinet Council of Minister and especially taking the high responsibility of Cooperative Societies in Jammu and Kashmir states a meeting was held in the presence of Cheering Dorjee Lakrook at Conference hall Leh on 2 May.
In the meeting, representatives from different department of cooperative sector were gathered such as Siachen Belt Sea buckthorn Cooperative Society, All Ladakh Transport Association, Ladakh Tour Operation Cooperative Limited, Ladakh Transport Cooperative Society, All Changthang Pashmina Grower Cooperative Marketing Society etc. to discuss on various issues and bring further achievement in this sector.
Sonam Norboo, Deputy Register Cooperative Society Leh (DRC) highlighted the works of different cooperative sectors of Ladakh through Power Point Presentation. He gave a description about how it functions in a District. “In Ladakh the Co-operative Sector remained productive in agriculture and in the field of other income sources like essential commodities such as stocking. Agriculture cooperative societies also provide fertilizers to the farmers. Cooperative society plays a vital role in increasing of the income source in various union sectors etc. and a lot of people are taking advantage by the help of cooperative societies”, he said.
As in Leh District there are 5 Cooperative marketing Societies to improve the farmer’s growth and progress in their livelihood. Its branches are spread in all places of Ladakh like Nubra, Kharu, Shey, Sham, Leh so that everyone can get in touch easily. In District Leh Agriculture, Leh berry (Sea buckthorn abstraction) and transport are the highest income sources.
Apart from that there is also one Cooperative Management Marketing Society which provides help to handicraft so they can bring progress in their work and generate income. Besides that in Changthang area Cooperative marketing sector are supporting for developing Pashmina shawl. All Changthang Pashmina Growers Cooperative Marketing Society which is one of the largest cooperative society in Leh and its rearer are also getting a good price in marketing sector, there are also many such cooperative societies which are self reliant.
Minister of State for Cooperative and Ladakh Affairs, Chhering Dorje Lakrook said that being in a full power in Cooperative sector is an opportunity for him to know what achievements and improvements have been done so far and what progress is needed to bring in action. He also added that Cooperative Departments have limited work to do so they should be regulated, maintained and completed on time whether it is a registration, election and audit. He further said “To supervise the work is the duty of department and incomplete work lead to failure which creates a gap between aim and expected result of success if not performed on time”.
He further said that in Jammu and Kashmir through (National Cooperative Development Authority) are taking full benefit and there is a J&K cooperative union in which they organizes awareness camp which is most fruitful for them, but in Ladakh such camps had never been organized before, so he suggested that this time he would request to organize this awareness camp in Ladakh for the welfare and to create awareness in this field.