Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
ESM rally conducted at Base Camp Nubra
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
May 13, 2015

Nubra :
In continuation to the ongoing Siachen celebration in Nubra by the Indian Army, an ESM rally was conducted at Base Camp and Post 9 on 13 and 22 April. The occasion started with Wreath Laying at War Memorials by the gallantry award winners, ESM, Veer Naris and local functionaries of Nubra and Shyok axis. Lt Gen Sanjay Kulkarni, AVSM, SC, SM, VSM, Director General Infantry and Lt Gen KH Singh, AVSM, YSM, General Officer Commanding 16 Corps attended the function.
Various local heroes of Siachen, Ex-Servicemen, Veer Naris and NOKs of late soldiers, who have fought and defended the frontiers of the nation in various wars after independence were honoured and felicitated by the nation for their fortitude and sacrifices during times of need. Soldiers of various battalions currently serving in glaciers also participated enthusiastically in a celebration of success and martyrdom. It was a momentous day and their tales often generated inadvertent desire for guts, grit and glory amongst the younger generation.
Various outdoor games like football, archery and mini marathon were also been played. Indoor competitions like quiz and drawing were also conducted. Youths and students of the sector were joyous and participated with zeal. They were conducted with an aim to inculcate and develop the same team spirit, bonhomie and self-effacing attitude in the young generation which is the hallmark of the Indian Army.
The occasion will also stand as a flag post in our collective subconscious to signify that the Indian Army in its most glorious traditions will always stand with the people of Nubra in their guest for generation of opportunities and development.