Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
Banks in Leh reports growth of ₹84.13 Crore in deposits and ₹11.96 Crore in advance
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
Jun 18, 2015

Leh :
The District Consultative Committee cum District Level Review Committee organises all Leh bankers meeting on 16th June at Leh Conference Hall.
The Quarter end meeting was preceded under the chairmanship of Saugat Biswas, Deputy Commissioner-Leh, HODs of the line departments and bank managers of various banks operating in Leh.
Saugat Biswas urged upon the bankers to increase the flow of credits to the farmers and other interested units and individuals of Leh District. He directed Deputy Director Employment to verify the units of JK Self Employment Schemes with the representatives of Lead Bank and JKEDI to submit a detail report along with photographs to D.C Office, Leh.
He aimed both bankers and Agriculture Department, Leh to put an extra effort to achieve maximum coverage of Kisan Credit Cards in the district and directed the Chief Agriculture Officer, Leh to submit a detail report of KCC. For the upliftment of the weaker section of the society, he urged the bankers and line departments to ensure 100% coverage of farmers under KCC scheme. He recommends Assistant Commissioner Development and Bankers to ensure & encourage Block level bankers committee meeting in each block on a monthly basis.
Lead Bank Manager, Leh, Abdul Rashid Sofi briefed about the performance of banks in Leh in terms of Deposits/Advances, achievements of government sponsored schemes. He states that as against the benchmark of 60%, the Credit Deposit ratio of all the banks operating in Leh district at the end of 4th quarter of Financial Year 2014-15 stood at 23.68 % as against 24.15% at the end of previous quarter indicating a negligible decrease of 0.47%; however the year-on-year increase has been recorded as 2.99%.
Total deposits of all banks operating in the district as on 31st March 2015 stood at ₹1709.24 Crore as against ₹1625.11 Crore as on 31th December 2014, indicating growth of ₹84.13 Crore in deposits.
The total advance of all banks operating in the district as on 31 March 2015 stood at ₹404.24 Crore as against ₹329.49 Crore as on 31 December 2014, indicating a growth of ₹11.96 Crore in advance.