Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
Awareness drive on JKNRLM’s ‘Umeed’ held in Thiksay and Nang villages
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
Nov 15, 2016

To aware the people of Thiksay and Nang villages, a one-day awareness program on J&K, National Rural Livelihood Mission UMEED was held on November 9.
The program was held under the chairmanship of Executive Councilor for Rural & Agriculture Tsering Wangdus at Rambirpur.
It was attended by 23 Women Self Help Groups of Cluster –F, Nambardars and ex-Sarpanches of Thiksay Rambirpur and Nang villages, members of Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) Andhra Pradesh, who is working as Project Resource Persons (PRP) for implementation of UMEED in J&K State.
EC Wangdus expressed great happiness over the confidence and vision of women SHGs. As agriculture is the top priority of the 5th council we are keeping the major part of the funds for agriculture sector as basic infrastructure has been fulfilled. This will help in reversing the present scenario of migration from village to town.
He further added the self-help groups to avail various schemes of different departments and to concentrate on investing and experimenting with the cash crops and second crops.
Project Director UMEED, Tadbar Joldan expressed satisfaction and happiness over successful implementation of this scheme in Chuchot block and highly appreciated the PRPs from Andhra Pradesh for making this project a grand success despite facing various hardships.
He requested EC Wangdus to extend the tenure of these officials by another year.
BDO, Chuchot Ali Akbar informed that a total of 140 WSHGs was established under UMEED. ₹21 Lakh as revolving fund ( ₹ 15,000/- each) and ₹ 56 lakh ( ₹ 40,000 each) under Community Investment Fund were distributed.
In the recent bankers meeting, headed by ADC Leh, ₹55 Lakh for proposed 170 SHGs was decided, added Akbar.
Dr. Stanzin Animal Husbandry, Agriculture Officer Tashi Dolma, and District Horticulture Officer Mohd. Zafar briefed about the various schemes of their respective departments and urged to avail all the benefits.
National Rural Livelihood Mission (NRLM) is one of the prestigious projects of GoI that aims at creating efficient and effective institutional platforms for the rural poor, enabling them to increase their household income through sustainable livelihood enhancements and improved access to financial services. NRLM is also implemented in Jammu & Kashmir State under the name UMEED and in Leh district, the scheme is being implemented in Chushot and Panamik blocks.