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Army celebrates 69th Infantry Day
By Stanzin Dasal
Nov 11, 2016

To commemorate the sacrifices laid by the brave soldiers during various operations, the Indian army celebrated the 69th Infantry day on October 27 at War memorial Leh. GOC, Fire and Fury Corps Lt Gen. PJS Pannu, AVSM, VSM laid a wreath in honour of all the martyrs.
Speaking on the occasion, GOC, Fire and Fury Corps Lt Gen. PJS Pannu, AVSM, VSM talked about the victorious struggle of an Indian army. He mentioned about the brave Col. Chhewang Rinchen whose dedication and fight for the nation is an exemplary.
He said, “Indian army has proved themselves in every battle and still have our brave soldiers safeguarding our nation and overcoming every challenge.”
Across the country, the Indian Army celebrates in commemoration of the various victories and sacrifices made by Infantry. The sacrifices and the valor inspire the entire nation as it is on October 27, 1947; the first battalion of the Sikh regiment was airlifted from Delhi and landed at Srinagar airport to save Kashmir from the Pakistan tribal raiders.
They fought bravely and secured the Srinagar airport repelling the raiders and paving way for subsequent operations by Indian forces in the J&K state. The decision was taken immediately after the signing of ‘Treaty of Accession’ on October 26, 1947, by Maharaja Hari Singh.
The family members of the brave soldiers who sacrificed their life for the nation and other gallantry award winners in different wars were felicitated.
With the spectacular martial band display, the day ended with the sense of patriotism in everyone’s heart.