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90% disruption in OFC cable happened in Kashmir jurisdiction, says BSNL, Leh
By Stanzin Dasal
Nov 11, 2016

Frequent interruption of Internet services in Ladakh hampered the life of the people. To talk about the issue and problem faced BSNL, Leh holds a press conference on October 23 at TDM Office, BSNL Leh.
Phunchok Dorjey, TDM BSNL, Leh said, 90% of the OFC line has been cut in Srinagar this time which is not in his jurisdiction. He said, “It becomes very difficult to restore the lines because of the Kashmir turmoil. The team can restore only in the odd hours and because of the short time limit it takes long to restore it completely.”
He further added that earlier the lines get disrupted because of the developmental activities and natural calamities but this time the OFC lines were deliberately attempted by some miscreants. The cable from Srinagar to Ladakh is of strategic alliance with the army and both the BSNL and army holds responsible for its maintenance.
The issue has been also brought into light with the CGM, H K Verma during his visit in Leh. He assured to strengthen and enhance the network of Ladakh and to take up the issue with the 15 Corps army for the restoration and maintenance.
Talking about the slow speed of the internet, TDM, Leh said that a bandwidth enhancement work is going on to improve the speed of the broadband. The work has been in slow pace because of the Kashmir issue but hopefully, it will be completed in few days and the speed will be improved in 10 to 15 days, he added.
Retorting to the public resentment over the poor services and bill payment issue, TDM said, “We will give full rebate to the WIMAX users and the broadband customers as per TRAI guidelines.
Where the other states enjoy the 3G and 4G services and the PM Modi talks about the digital India, Ladakh being a strategically important place has been deprived of the basic communication service.