Youm-e-Asad observed at Thiksey and Chuchot Gongma

Holding the Islamic Flag in their hands, beating their chest and reciting nohaz, people took out the tazia procession and Zuljanah from Ranbirpur and concluded at Imam Bargah Thiksey. The speakers spoke on different topics assigned to them. All the scholars highlighted about the significance of observing Youm-e-Asad and the highlighted the importance of realizing ones sins and asking for forgiveness. Citing the examples of Hazrat Zahra AS (Prophet’s daughter) and Hazrat Zainab AS( Imam Hussain’s sister), who have set an active example of patience, courage and firmness, scholars asked the ladies to follow their foot prints who have played a great role in the history of Islam.
Sheikh Mohd Javed in his speech condemned the genocide by Israeli troops in the Gaza Strip and the massacre of Iraqi’s by terrorist organizations ISIS.
“No nation should support such acts and must raise their voice against such countries. Israel has proved themselves coward by killing the women and the children in this war”. He appealed all the Muslim nations to unite in the struggle against such countries that create terror in the whole world and massacre the innocents. He further expressed aggression towards America on supporting such terror acts and appealed the UN to take strict actions against those violating the Human Rights.
Meanwhile the eight days religious congregation “Majlise-Hussaine Youm-ul- Assad was observed with great zeal and religious fervour at Imam Bara Chuchot Gongma on 09 August as Shab-e-Ashura and on 10 August as Roze Ashura under the chairmanship of Alhaj Shiekh Ghulam Hadi Phyang (President Majlese Ulema Committee) Leh.
On this juncture a “Tabooth” procession was taken out from Imam Bara Yarlok Chuchot to Imam Bara Chuchot Gongma and Zuljanah procession was also taken today from Katilgah to Imam Bara Chuchot Gongma and necessary prayers were observed especially for the world peace.
This day is observed in memory of martyrs of Karbala who sacrificed their gracious lives for the cause of truth and humanity and against evil minded king of the time (Yazid ibne Maaviya).
The speakers threw light on the philosophy of Karbala and paid homage to the Imam and his 72 companion who laid their lives for equality, justice, truth and to root out brutality and oppression and to save Islam from clutches of tyranny at Karbala in Iraq in 61st year after Hijra.
Hussain Ibn Ali’s group included 72 persons including some close relatives, women, children and a six month old baby and on the other side 30-40000 soldiers of Yazid, who had cut food and water supply to the Imams family for three days. The battle went from dawn to dusk. Imam Hussain AS had to face the torture and murder of his sons, nephew, brother and his companions.
After the war ended, the ladies and children of Imams family were tortured, tents were burnt and looted, children who had just lost their fathers and brothers were beaten and taken into the custody of Yazid and made to walk for app. 750 miles without their headscarves from Karbala to Damascus.
The incident of Karbala stands for courage, self sacrifice, honesty and explains that numerical superiority does not count in front of courage and truth. Yazid’s forces were more, yet he lost the battle and Imam Hussain and his companions are still revered and alive in the hearts of every human, particularly the Shia muslims.