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Preparatory Procedures for the Kalachakra Empowerment
By Tenzin Menkyi
Jul 17, 2014

Choglamsar :
On 10th July, the day with the morning prayers and meditation by the Vajra Master, His Holiness the 14th Dalai Lama, Tenzin Gyatso and the monks. Around 10:30 am, the debates were held between monks. The Geshes from Sera, Drepung, Ganden, Gyutod and many other monasteries from Ladakh took part in it which lasted for around half an hour. The Vajra Master and the Khenpo of Namgyal Monastery along with many other high Lamas witnesses the debates held.
The debate was followed by an announcement of a long list of donors, during which the dignitaries like Thupstan Chhewang, MP; Rigzin Spalbar, CEC,LAHDC; Nawang Rigzin Jora, Minister for Urban Development and Local Bodies J&K; Lobsang Sangay, the Sikyong of Central Tibetan Administration(CTA) , Richard Gere, actor arrived on the stage. The dignitaries already present on the stage were H.E.Samdong Rinpoche, former PM of CTA, Sakya Dung-sas Rinpoche, and the sponsors of the 33rd Kalachakra.
At 12.00pm, The Dalai Lama sat on the lion throne. Prayers of verses of salutation to the masters of Nalanda were recited. Out of many prayers; the prayer to the three jewels was recited three times. "I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha; Until I attain Enlightenment. By merit accumulations from practicing generosity and the other perfections; May I attain Enlightenment, for the benefit of all sentient beings".
The last portion of explanation of Ratnavali text which has not been finish has been continued. H.H. said," because of time constrain, I will explain whichever is more important and read out the rest of the text". Teaching continued.
Soon after, each of the students (the devotees) was given two stalks of Kusha grass, because the Buddha sat on Kuhsha grass, for purpose, under the Bodhi tree when he became enlightened. The students were told to put the long stalks of kusha grass under their mattresses and the short stalk under their pillows. This will help the students to remember and study their dreams that night.
Storma, a figure made of flours and butter used in tantric rituals or as offerings in Tibetan Buddhism, offering has been made. The Vajra Master then said, "Storma offerings are made to ward off evil spirit. Other beings and evils are called to accept the gift of Storma and then asked to leave so that they would not hinder the process of preliminary initiation. The Spirit are now contented and driven away, area is protected"
His Holiness then asked those who propitiate Dorjee Shugden to leave the venue as it will create a breach in the spiritual bond of guru and disciple. Also because of its Sectarian in nature.
The Blessed Cord was also given to the devotees. His Holiness said, "Each thread has three knots on it and are blessed with many different prayers recited especially for Kalachara, so the thread is now the Blessed Cord; one can wear it on neck, on arms or simply put it chest pocket and take them as a sacred".
Almost all the registered devotees turned up as the day is the preliminary initiation day for the students (the public).Those students who wish to be initiated into the practice of the Kalachakra teachings took a vow to have compassion toward all living things, to work for the benefit of others.
The Blessed Water was distributed to all the devotees, which was asked to be taken in 3 sips as a symbol to rinse oneself with the pure water and feel purified.
The lay followers, Upasaka and Upasika, of the Buddha Gautama undertook Five Precepts or vows which constitute the basic Buddhist code of ethics are: commitments to abstain from harming living beings, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and intoxication. Undertaking the five precepts is part of both lay Buddhist initiation and regular lay Buddhist devotional practices.
The 5 commitment simply are:
1. "Do not kill." (Unintentional killing is considered less offensive)
2. "Do not steal." (Including misappropriating someone's property)
3. "Do not engage in improper sexual conduct." (e.g. sexual contact not sanctioned by secular laws, the Buddhist monastic code, or by one's parents and guardians)
4. "Do not make false statements." (Also includes pretending to know something one doesn't)
5. "Do not drink alcohol."
At around 2:00 pm interested devotees took vows. The vows are not formulated as imperatives, but as training rules that laypeople undertake voluntarily to facilitate practice.
The debate was followed by an announcement of a long list of donors, during which the dignitaries like Thupstan Chhewang, MP; Rigzin Spalbar, CEC,LAHDC; Nawang Rigzin Jora, Minister for Urban Development and Local Bodies J&K; Lobsang Sangay, the Sikyong of Central Tibetan Administration(CTA) , Richard Gere, actor arrived on the stage. The dignitaries already present on the stage were H.E.Samdong Rinpoche, former PM of CTA, Sakya Dung-sas Rinpoche, and the sponsors of the 33rd Kalachakra.
At 12.00pm, The Dalai Lama sat on the lion throne. Prayers of verses of salutation to the masters of Nalanda were recited. Out of many prayers; the prayer to the three jewels was recited three times. "I take refuge in the Buddha, Dharma, and Sangha; Until I attain Enlightenment. By merit accumulations from practicing generosity and the other perfections; May I attain Enlightenment, for the benefit of all sentient beings".
The last portion of explanation of Ratnavali text which has not been finish has been continued. H.H. said," because of time constrain, I will explain whichever is more important and read out the rest of the text". Teaching continued.
Soon after, each of the students (the devotees) was given two stalks of Kusha grass, because the Buddha sat on Kuhsha grass, for purpose, under the Bodhi tree when he became enlightened. The students were told to put the long stalks of kusha grass under their mattresses and the short stalk under their pillows. This will help the students to remember and study their dreams that night.
Storma, a figure made of flours and butter used in tantric rituals or as offerings in Tibetan Buddhism, offering has been made. The Vajra Master then said, "Storma offerings are made to ward off evil spirit. Other beings and evils are called to accept the gift of Storma and then asked to leave so that they would not hinder the process of preliminary initiation. The Spirit are now contented and driven away, area is protected"
His Holiness then asked those who propitiate Dorjee Shugden to leave the venue as it will create a breach in the spiritual bond of guru and disciple. Also because of its Sectarian in nature.
The Blessed Cord was also given to the devotees. His Holiness said, "Each thread has three knots on it and are blessed with many different prayers recited especially for Kalachara, so the thread is now the Blessed Cord; one can wear it on neck, on arms or simply put it chest pocket and take them as a sacred".
Almost all the registered devotees turned up as the day is the preliminary initiation day for the students (the public).Those students who wish to be initiated into the practice of the Kalachakra teachings took a vow to have compassion toward all living things, to work for the benefit of others.
The Blessed Water was distributed to all the devotees, which was asked to be taken in 3 sips as a symbol to rinse oneself with the pure water and feel purified.
The lay followers, Upasaka and Upasika, of the Buddha Gautama undertook Five Precepts or vows which constitute the basic Buddhist code of ethics are: commitments to abstain from harming living beings, stealing, sexual misconduct, lying and intoxication. Undertaking the five precepts is part of both lay Buddhist initiation and regular lay Buddhist devotional practices.
The 5 commitment simply are:
1. "Do not kill." (Unintentional killing is considered less offensive)
2. "Do not steal." (Including misappropriating someone's property)
3. "Do not engage in improper sexual conduct." (e.g. sexual contact not sanctioned by secular laws, the Buddhist monastic code, or by one's parents and guardians)
4. "Do not make false statements." (Also includes pretending to know something one doesn't)
5. "Do not drink alcohol."
At around 2:00 pm interested devotees took vows. The vows are not formulated as imperatives, but as training rules that laypeople undertake voluntarily to facilitate practice.