Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
Naatia Mushaira conducted as a tribute to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
Jan 15, 2015

Kargil :
In connection with Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi (SAW) celebration Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, Kargil organized a District Level Multilingual Naatia Mushaira at Academy Hall Baroo, Kargil on 11th January. As many as twenty one poets from across Kargil District paid poetic tributes to the Prophet of Islam (SAW) through their Naatia. Haji Muhammad Shafi Executive Councilor, LAHDC, Kargil was the Chief Guest of the proceedings while as Skalzang Wangyal Executive Councilor, LAHDC, Kargil was the Guest of Honor.
Speaking on the occasion Haji Muhammad Shafi while lauding the initiative of the Academy for having organized yet another successful Naatia poetic sitting as a part of its annual literary events and underlined the need to imitate the behavior and moral standards laid down by the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) so as to bring peace and order in the world. Shafi said that the Prophet’s (SAW) life is the best example of who followed the teachings of Quran to an exceptional level, so it is our duty to know the messenger as much as possible.
Skalzang Wangyal in his speech said that in the contemporary era there is an urgent need to follow the path and principles of the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) in order to make the world a better place to live in. While expressing satisfaction over the poetic presentations of the poets Wangyal said that the Academy has being doing a commendable work. Underlining the need to continue such events, Wangyal said that these are ideal occasions to spread the importance of the vernacular expressions and vocabulary which are to a great extent fading away owing to the impact of the modern cultures.
Earlier in the welcome speech Muhammad Ali Tak, Cultural Officer, Kargil while impressed upon the objective of the Naatia Mushaira and said that the literary sitting has been held with the aim to pay poetic tribute to the Prophet of Islam (SAW), and secondly to propagate his message of peace far and wide through the medium of poetry in vernacular languages. Tak added that the life and principles of the Holy Prophet of Islam (SAW) is an ultimate treasure trove of intellectual knowledge, practical guidance and spiritual wisdom which take the human beings in closer to God. He also spoke about the initiatives of the Academy in Kargil towards the preservation and promotion of literary traditions.
The Naatia Mushaira was presided over by the noted local poet and writer Haji Muhammad Baqir while the poets who presented their poetic renderings included Akhone Asgar Ali Basharat, Ghulam Ahmed Khan Jawan, Bashir Ahmed Wafa ,Haji Muhammad Ibrahim Rahee, Gazanfar Ali Shahbaaz , Aga Syed Raza Razvi, Muhammad Hussain Rehnuma, Muhammad Ali Khumar, Ghulam Qadir Zaki, Haji Muhammad Baqir Baqir, Muhammad Asgar Asvi, Ahmad Ali Olpa, Sibte Hassan Kaleem, Tsewang Rigzin, Raza Amjad Badgami, Akhone Muhammad Ali Subeor, Muhammad Jawad Jalib, Muhammad Hussain Fayaaz, Nassiruddin Khafee, Nissar Hussain Trespone and Muhammad Hussain Olpa.
Apart from poets and writers the event was witnessed by councilors, district officers, school and college students and a large number of general public.