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Ladakh gets blessed, 3-days teaching ends with long life empowerment
By Stanzin Desal
Jul 03, 2015

Last day 2nd July, the day begin with the daily recital of the prayer. His Holiness Sakya Trizin Rinpoche initiated Tsewang (long life empowerment) to the devotees and concludes Rigsum chiyi Wang. The three day preaching at Jevetsal, came to an end. Thousand of devotees get blessed by the preaching of His Holiness.
His Holiness preaches people the importance of prayer in daily life.Human wants and desire has no limits, the demand for food, clothes shelter etc increases but one should make Prayer as a prime important thing. Doing daily prayer will not only benefit this life but will also benefit life after death and past life.
“Precious human life should not be wasted away, it should be used for the benefit of all beings and make it more meaningful,” HH said.
Prayer and blessing were given for the long life of the people. ‘Tsewang lo-gya ma’ was given to the devotees for attaining 100 years long life.
His Holiness finds immense happiness to see faith and belief of people and urges to develop it more and more. The unity and oneness among all the sects of Buddhism in Ladakh is exemplary, said HH.
Huge procession (Tenshug) took place for a long life prayer for his Holiness. ‘Tenshug is a ceremonial long life offering to a spiritual teacher who has chosen to be born in this life in an ordinary form. This ritual is done to request the spiritual teacher (lama) to live a long life for the preservation of the Buddhist teachings (dharma) and the happiness of all living beings.
On the completion of the blissful 3-days preaching, Tsewang Thinles, LBA President, expresses his deepest gratitude on behalf of all Ladakhi to His Holiness Sakya Rinpoche for the visit and preaching. As preached by His holiness on the negative impacts of alcohol, LBA will work hard & take action to make less consumption of alcohol in Ladakh and will continue to make Ladakh a peaceful place. He further added that with the blessing of all the Rinpoches, there is unity and equality among all the four major schools of Buddhism. He urges people to put the preaching into daily practice and to live with harmony and peace.
Ladakh Gompa Association, President, Geshey Lobzang Samstan, heartily thanked His holiness for the sermon and visiting Ladakh. He expresses happiness to see large number of devotees and urges all to put the preaching into action. He stresses all the youths to participate in the interaction session with His Holiness. He wishes and hopes to get blessing from His Holiness in the near future.
His Holiness Sakya Trizin Rinpoche expressed his gratitude to the LBA, LGA and all the association for the warm welcome and for the arrangements. He urges people to be compassionate, loving and to have pure heart and mind. His holiness talked about the importance of developing inner soul and mind along with the growing development of infrastructure.
He considered people of Ladakh very lucky to get blessing from His holiness Dalai Lama every year and to get Kalachakra blessing last year in Ladakh.
His holiness asked to use the donated things in the development of monastery, villages or any needed place.
With this the Last day sermon came to an end and all the devotees get the view and blessing of Sand Mandala.