HH the Sakya Trizin Rinpoche preaches Rigsum Chiyi Wang

People of Ladakh gets blessing by His holiness Sakya Rinpoche on 30th June at Jivetsal Photang, Shey. Thousands of people gathered to seek the blessing. Sakya Rinpoche on the first day gave the preliminary teachings on Drogon Chogyal Phagspa’s letter of advice to Prince Jibig Temur of Mongolia called ‘A Rosary of Gemstones’ – Norbui Trangwa to thousands of devotees.
Later, HH gave the initiation on the preparation of the Empowerment of ‘Three Buddha Families’ – Avalokiteshvara, Manjushri, and Vajrapani – Rigsum Chiyi wang’.
His holiness expresses immense happiness to be in Ladakh for the third time. He pays his gratitude to the people of Ladakh for the warm welcome. His holiness talks about the development of mind and soul alongside with the development of infrastructure. With the growing issues and complication all around the world, His holiness finds joy and appreciates to see peace and harmony in Ladakh and the unity & equality among the different school of Buddhism.
The very day started with the preliminary teaching of Rigsum Chiyi Wangchen. His holiness preaches the masses to cultivate positive mental qualities such as compassion, loving, kindness & the importance of using the right word and speech.
His holiness also talked about the effects of consuming alcohol. Alcohol not only leads to diseases like cancer, it also affects the rational thinking, and decision-making ability which leads nowhere and ends up affecting the conscience.
In order to live a happy meaningful one should make the purpose of living for the benefit of other with no mean motives. He directs people to work and think for the benefit of all the sentient beings.
At last preparation of Sand Mandala took place. This is prepared to create a positive impression on the mind stream of the observer, who for a moment is in touch with the profound potential enlightenment, which exists within the mind of all beings.
The Sand Mandala (kyil-khor) is a Tibetan Buddhist tradition involving the creation and destruction of mandalas made from colored sand. A sand mandala is ritualistically destroyed once it has been completed and its accompanying ceremonies and viewing are finished to symbolize the Buddhist doctrinal belief in the transitory nature of material life.