HH the Dalai Lama's concluding remarks to the gathering

“The Kalachakra Empowerment has gone very well, in beginning, middle and end. I thank the organizers for their good work. Today, we’ve done the White Tara Long-life Empowerment and the Long-life Offering, in connection with which Ganden Tri Rinpoche has been performing a ritual of accomplishment for the past week. I pray that I can and will live long.
Today, along with human beings many gods, goddesses and protectors came forth. I’d like to thank them to for showing their support and solidarity with us. According to the Buddhist description of the world, there are many different kinds of beings, some we can see and some we cannot. A friendly scholar once told me he was surprised that while I seem to have a scientific outlook, I accept the existence of many other kinds of beings. I told him that it’s not a matter of superstition, rather a simple acceptance of reality. However, just as it is not good for human beings to engage in harmful activity, I counsel these spirits and other beings not to engage in mischief.
Today, we have the Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir with us, the third generation of his family to hold the post. Sheikh Abdullah, a friend and contemporary of Pandit Nehru showed great affection for Tibet. Farooq Abdullah, his son, is a friend of mine. Omar Abdullah, the young grandson who is here with us, is also a friend of Tibetans. I’d like to thank him very much for coming here today".
He looked at Omar Abdullah and said: "I understand that your party suffered a setback in the recent elections; this is something that happens from time to time. When political leaders I know in different parts of the world experience electoral defeat, I often write to them to say that this is just part of democracy, which is a good thing. India is the world’s most populous democracy, a country where democracy has become deeply rooted, which is one of its greatnesses".
"The other leaders who spoke just now I’ve also known for a long time. I remember Thupstan Chhewang when his hair was black and now it’s completely white. Rigzing Jora I’ve known for many years. We are not just acquaintances, we know each others’ minds; we are trusted friends.
Finally, I want to say that I don’t take any fee by way of offerings for the teachings I give. I follow Tseley Rangdol in feeling that to do so would be like selling the Dharma. This great mandala offering you Jonangpas have presented to me, I thank you and request you to take it back to use in your monastery in Shimla.
I have nothing else to say other than to encourage you all to turn your minds to Dharma. Thank you.”