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Near Councillor Quarter,
H.H The 41st SakyaTrizin Rinpoche to arrive in June
By Ven. Tenzin Tsega
Jun 13, 2015

Leh :
The day 25th June, will be a historical day in Ladakh’s history, as the 41st Sakya Trizin Rinpoche is going to bless our land with his presence after around 20 years.
Sakya Trizin Rinpoche is the manifestation of Manjushiri, the God of Wisdom, besides being the Supreme Head of Sakya tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.
If we look back at the history of Tibet, he is the descendent of the famous Khon family in Tibet, which holds an unbroken lineage of great and famous master for over a thousand years and also he is the throne holder of the Sakya Tradition of Tibetan Buddhism.
He is considered to be one of the highest qualified lineage masters of both the esoteric and exoteric traditions of Buddhist philosophy and meditation.
The people of Ladakh have always shown great love, honour and faith in Buddhism.