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Choskul Tsogspa organizes 2 days seminar on Buddhist view & practice
By Padma Angmo
Jun 13, 2015

Leh :
The Chuskul Committee of Ladakh Buddhist Association organized Seminar on 11th and 12th June at Chokhang Vihar, Leh, which was based on “The Buddhist view & practice”.
The main objective of the seminar was to bring awareness and to promote the moral Buddhist teaching and also to practice in their daily life.
His Eminence Skyabje Thuksey Rinpoche grace the occasion with his invaluable sermon & also other eminent Buddhist scholars of Ladakh presented their views and guide the youth on the path of practice. On 12 June the students from different schools of Ladakh present their views followed by a discussion.
His Eminence Skyabje Thuksey Rinpoche expressed gratitude to the Chuskul Committee for organizing such seminar which deals with today’s scenario and benefit for all the people. He also added that Buddhism preaches to control the minds and to understand our mind fully and therefore the purpose of religion is to make you a better human being with each passing day, having love, compassion and understanding are most important qualities in our life.
Khanpo Khochok Thupstan gave a brief description about how LBA Choskul Committee has been spreading basic Buddhism teaching to youth through seminars, debates, and essay writing competition among college and school students for many years. To achieve the knowledge about Buddhism and to preserved our language we also provided Bodhi teachers for Ladakhi students who are studying in Delhi, Chandigarh, Jammu etc and students showed a tremendous response to it.
Prof. Jamyang Gyaltson elaborated the history of Buddha in a simple way so everyone could understand easily with interest.
Geshes Tsultim Tharchin talked about the various facts of 21st century and relation between Buddhism and Science. He added that after research by the scientists it is approved that Buddhist religious comes under science and considered as “Science of Mind’’. He also suggested the students to practice the teaching of the Buddha instead of only praying without knowing its meaning.
Earlier LBA Vice President, Tsering Morup thanked all the members and guests for gathering and giving contribution to revive and promote Buddhism and its essence. He specially thanked Skyabje Thuksey Rimpoche for creating awareness among the young generations by imparting Buddhist teaching and the value of life.