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Blood donation camp organised by Anjuman-e-Imamia Youth Wing on Youm-e-Ashura
By Fatima Ashraf Barcha
Oct 29, 2015

Leh :
Anjuman-e-Imamia Youth Wing under the banner of Alamdar Health Service organised the opening of the Blood Donation Camp on Youm-e-Ashura-the 10th day of the first Islamic month Muharram that was observed on the 24th October. The camp was set up at Post Office main bazaar.
Deputy Commissioner Leh-Prassana Ramaswami G was Chief Guest while SSP Dr Sunil Gupta was the guest of honour.
Prasanna Ramaswamy G emphasised that when the world over people are spilling blood in the name of religion, this Blood Donation Camp under Alamdar Health Service of Anjuman Imamia Leh is spreading the message to the rest of the world about brotherhood and humanity that is the need of the hour. He congratulated them for their gallant service.
Talking about the allocation of land for Alamdar Health Service near the vicinity of SNM Hospital, he promised to look into the matter and said that he will do whatever he can in his power to implement their demands.
Dr.Sunil Gupta congratulated the Hussainy community for their annual service of blood donation which is a noble way of remembering the sacrifice of Imam Hussain (a.s).He added that he is impressed by the registration system of the Blood donation camp and also expressed contentment over the mourning procession being held in a peaceful way.
Sheikh Zainul Abidin said that matam is observed during the month of Muharram so that people remember the martyrdom of Imam Hussain (a.s) the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) and his family. He added that the war of Karbala was fought against the oppressors and the message that Imam Hussain wanted to send through his martyrdom was that each day should be treated like the event of Karbala-the oppressed should never give in to oppressors even if the latter threaten to take your life.
Vice President Anjuman Imamia-Syed Naqisha Razvi also spoke about the message behind Imam Hussain’s (a.s) martyrdom, which was to stand against the oppressors. He added that the blood donation on the day of Ashura means walking the path of Imam Hussain (a.s) for on that day he stood and fought for humanity.
Chief Medical Officer, Dr.Yangchen Dolma congratulated the Alamdar Health Service on continuing the noble work since years. She requested the people to register their names with address and phone number so that whenever blood is needed for a patient in the hospital the respective person will be contacted.
LBA Secretary-PT Kunzang, congratulated the services of Anjuman-e-Imamia through Alamdar Health services for organising the camp every year. He said that the patients whenever in need of blood approach them.
Muzaffar Hussain Barcha, President Anjuman-e-Imamia Youth Wing thanked the guest present for sparing their time for this event. He said that under the banner of Alamdar Health Service, Anjuman-e-Imamia Youth Wing has been organising this event since last 20 years successfully. He added that since the inception of the camp an amount of 700 units of blood has been donated to patients who were in need.
He added that last year a total of 25 patients were given blood donated by the volunteers to Alamdar health service.
He also requested the DC Leh to look into the matter of Alamdar Health Service’s allocation of land in the vicinity of SNM Hospital that has been pending since 2009.
A total number of four people donated blood on the spot and the number of people who registered their names along with their phone number and address were 150. The latter will be contacted when patients will approach Alamdar Health Service for blood donation.
Christian Community President-E.S Gergan,Moin-ul-Islam President-Sheikh Saifuddin and BDO Chushot-Ali Akbar were also present on the event.
*(a.s- allah aap ko salamat rakhey)
*(p.b.u.h-peace be upon you)