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Arba'een, the 40th day after Ashura observed with reverence
By Fatima Ashraf Barcha
Dec 19, 2015

Chushot :
Arba'een was observed by the Shias Muslim on 3rd December in Chushot Yokam Imam Bargah.
The lamentation rally covered a distance of six kilometres from Imam Khomini Chowk to Imam Bargah ChushotYokma. The procession was akin to the Arbaeen pilgrimage which takes place in Iraq every year. The rally was organised by the Anjumam-e-Imamia Youth Wing.
The rally in Chushot was participated by male members of the community while the women observed arbaeen staying inside the Imam Bargah listening to the religious sermons that spoke about the importance of the Imam Hussain’s (a.s) sacrifice.
The Arbaeen pilgrimage to Karbala (in Iraq) is a religious gathering held every year. According to analysis this pilgrimage is the largest gathering held annually and this year over 20 million people from around the world participated.
The day is observed every year on the 40th day after Ashura when Imam Hussain (a.s), the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was martyred in the year 680 CE in Karbala. The other word used for Arba'een is Chehlum.