Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
26th Ladakh Monlam Chenmo concludes
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
May 14, 2018

Around 1200 monks and nuns from different monasteries of Ladakh congregated in five day Ladakh Monlam Chenmo from May 6 at Chowkhang Vihara, Leh.
The prayer was organised by All Ladakh Gompa Association.
Shatup Chamba, President, LGA gave a brief introduction about the mantra recitation and its merits for living beings. He said that this is the 26th Monlam Chenmo which was initiated in the year 1991 by His Eminence Togdan Rinpoche.
Rinpoches of Ladakh graced their presence on the religious mass gathering.