Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
By Nawang Palkit
May 16, 2017

Leh :
Agriculture and livestock rearing is the main source of income for the people of Kungyam constituency of the Changthang region. People are more into exploring different sectors and source of livelihood by migrating in town for more income and a better standard of living.
People of Chumathang and Kesar village demands primary health center and a medical health centre in Mahay village. In Hemya village, there is a Primary health center but it’s not functional properly because of the shortage of staff.
The foremost demand in Chumathang village is to macadamize the 1.5 km distance internal road and the replacement of the old bridge to motorable one. A 4 km distance road from Skidmang Bridge to Skidmang Phu under Border Area Development Project (BADP) is incomplete. The construction of the road with a motorable bridge over Indus from Nee to Sriyul is their main demand.
The incomplete work of the bridge installation is one of the main problems of Kairey village. In Kungyam village, the first 2 km road has been completely washed away in 2010 flood. After which the road has been left incomplete. People demand of proper completion of the road. In Hemya village, incomplete work of the bridge is an issue. The road around Hemya Gonpa and Khatpu village which has been damaged in 2010 flood need to be completed. In Tarchid village, there is a pending work of RCC culvert.
The irrigation canal from Rantak thang to Chumathang needs to be completed. In Nee village, construction of Irrigation Khul at Nee thang opposite to Galdanthang is yet to be completed
Kesar village demands modern agriculture tools and equipment for income generation.
The main problem in Kairey village is the pending bridge work which is left incomplete since many years.
Like rest other constituencies, lack of proper drinking water supply and mobile connectivity is the issue faced by the people. Teri is one of the villages which have not linked with motorable road. The road leading to Teri Phu has been started in the year 2014-15; a distance of remaining 4km road needs to be completed up to Teri Stupa.
A 2.5 km road worth of ₹70 Lakh from Liktse gompa to Liktse-Tukla road is in progress. The pending demand of reconstruction of 15mt span RCC culvert in Tukla needs to be completed.
Dorjey Motup Councilor: Construction of medical health centre in Mahay Kotsa is very important since there are 260 nuns residing in Mahay Kotsa. Regarding the demand of primary health center in Chumathang, Kesar village, a proposal plan is ready. A project report of medical health centre has been already submitted to the government.
A DPR worth ₹ 50 Lakh was prepared for the blacktopping of 1.5 km distance internal road of Chumathang. A 3km road from Skidmang Bridge to Skidmang Phu was completed under BADP. Another remaining 4 km road is yet to be executed and will on this summer.
The construction of pending bridge in Keray village has been because of the lack of fund. The work will be resumed from this summer and will be completed by 2018.
Construction of irrigation khul at Nee thang opposite to Galdanthang cost of ₹ 66.72 Lakh DPR made and out of which ₹30 Lakh expenditure made under projectization.
A DPR cost of ₹ 64.01 Lakh made for the construction of irrigation canal from Rantakthang to Chumathang. Out of the total amount ₹ 14 Lakh has been spent the work is still pending and is expected to be completed by next year.
About the road of Kungyam village, a proposal for the improvement and restoration of 7 km already submitted to the government under PMGSY.
The road leading to Teri Phu has been started in 2014-15, an 8 km road has been constructed two years ago and the remaining work will be carried out this summer and will be completed up to Tri stupa. The road of Tri village has been approved under NABARD with the cost of ₹6.68 crore.
Talking about the power supply to Teri Phu a proposal from Alchi via receiving the station at Hamya has been provided.
A 2.5 km worth of ₹70 Lakh from Liktse gompa to Liktse -tukla road is under progress and expected to be completed by this year under district plan. Reconstruction of 15mt span RCC culvert worth ₹55 Lakh Tukla is kept under district plan.
Like rest of the constituency, lack of drinking water supply is a major issue along with the problems of telecommunication service, incomplete roads, and electricity supply.
Councillor Dorjay Motup has set up his priority on completing the pending works and the proper road facilities to all the villages.
Talking about the education system, due to the migration of the people the enrollment of the student in schools has gone down. The school of Khatpu village has been shut down because of the less no. of student enrollment.
We still have a village like Teri phu in the constituency which has no electricity supply and proper road facility.
There is a proposal and plan to electrify and provide power supply in the constituency through the Alchi project.
The constituency needs to be developed in a lot many ways in order to curb the problem of migration.