Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
Igoo Constituency
By Kunzang Chorol & Pal Thiksay Gobi
Sep 02, 2016

Leh :
This time, we are with Igoo constituency which has a huge problem of telecommunication and drinking water. While interacting with the people of different villages of Igoo constituency, we found many problems faced by the people among whom the most common problem is the drinking water and telecommunication problem except in Shara village.
In Igoo village, though there is pipeline for drinking water but due to small scale or the quantity of water tank it could not provide water to all the villagers. Because of which people meets the water need from the river, which is also becoming a major issue as the level of river water is less.
Maath Mohallah has a serious problem of drinking water, there is no pipeline and hand pump, and they have to use the running water of the river in all season. In summer, the water is not clean and people don’t have any other option. They have demanded hand pumps in this regard.
There is only one medical aid centre at Igoo, whereas there are 250 households. The village is in need of a Primary Health Centre. Water for irrigation is sufficient because of the artificial glacier.
Since there is no medical aid centre at Langkor village, people have to go to other villages for medication. There is a demand of medical aid centre. Blacktopping is in Nagley to Langkor and Nagley to Khaspang there is a need to blacktop the roads. Blacktopping and proper levelling of the road are another important demand of Shara and Igoo village.
The people also said that they successfully cultivate a different kind of fruits such as apple, apricot, walnut etc. to make it better and increase the production there is no help from the government. They demand all kinds of help and support from the government to make it more successful.
The wooden decayed electric pole is a problem faced by the people of Shara and Phuktse village. The poles need to be replaced because the old and poor condition of the wooden poles proves to be very dangerous as the wires are also loose. Replacement of poles from rivers to road is the main demands of Gya and Miru village. People have the problem of electricity especially in summer season as the poles of transmission line laid under the rivers is damaged by the flood and the rise of water level. Sometimes they have to spend two-three months without electricity which need to be taken seriously.
Due to shortage of water people of the Kulum village migrated to Upshi.
As the close down of the road in the end of the season is uncertain the foreigners have to suffer a lot because of the lack of phone connectivity and the uncertain rainfall and flood damage the roads as it lied just along with the river. So there is a desperate need for mobile tower.
Emergency cell for the foreigner is another demand of people of Rumtse village from where they can get the oxygen cylinder.
In Upshi village, there is no proper medical aid centre. The present one is running in a rented room. The main demand is the campus and building of medical aid centre. Also, there is a need of a protection bandh as the fields got damaged last year due to flood.
Councillor, Tsering Paldan: One of the main problems in my constituency is the lack of cell phone network for which I have taken up this matter with CGM. Since Gya and Lato village are located along with Leh- Manali highway, after discussion with TDM we are installing a mobile tower by this year.
For the drinking water facilities in Kulum of Igoo village, we are preparing a plan to see the cost after which the DPR will be prepared. Earlier, people use to cultivate as well as drink spring water but now there is no water even for drinking.
The water reservoir tank in Igoo village is small in scale, which is not sufficient for the whole population; I have brought this matter to (EC) works and will soon look into it.
Medical aid centre is a long demand of my constituency, there are around 250 families in Igoo village and for Lankor and Meru village the letter was presented to CEC in this regard.
Concerning roads, tendering of half kilometre unsurfaced road is done from Khaspang to Nakley. And regarding the circular road in Shara, Sharnos, Phuktsey a DPR of ₹ 17 crores was sent to ERA (Economic Reconstruction Agency).
Regarding the wooden poles in Shara village, the poles have been used for many decades and are posing a big threat to the life of villagers. For this, the matter has been taken up to the Executive Engineer, PDD and hopefully this will be also solved.
Horticulture is providing a walling of ₹ 10,000 to 1 Kanal as a subsidy for the fruit plantation like apple, apricot, and walnut in Shara village.
Medical aid centre in Upshi village is on rent, and recently ₹ 40 lakh fund has been sanctioned under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM). We are identifying the land for the building.
Wildlife conflict in Gya village is a serious issue for humans as well as for the livestock. There is a frequent conflict over habitat and food. The problem has been identified as a major challenge to the wild life department and Gya communities. There are cases of killing of livestock by wild animals.
Although the government has compensated with very less amount to the victims against per cattle, but villagers finds it in a loss as the amount is very less and to claim it goes with a hectic procedure.
Water crisis is a matter of concern in the entire village of Igoo constituency. In places like Kulum, water bodies dried up completely for irrigation as well as for drinking purpose, thus forcing villagers to migrate in Upshi for the source of livelihood. Since in villages like Shara, Sharnos, fruits like apricot, walnut and apple are grown widely and has become very important to take this matter seriously by the concerned department.
Even in 21st century, the villages of the constituency are being deprived of the mobile connectivity.