One-day training programme on ‘Cyber Law’ held in Leh

As the world is entering rapidly into an era of digitalization, a one-day training programme on ‘Cyber Law’ for the Judicial Officers, Public Prosecutors, Prosecuting Officers, Investigating Officers and Advocates from both Leh and Kargil district was held on June 20 at DC conference hall.
The training programme was organised by the Jammu & Kashmir State Judicial Academy (JKSJA). Justice Tashi Rabstan, Judge High Court of Jammu and Kashmir, who is also the Administrative Judge for Ladakh and Member Governing Committee of State Judicial Academy, inaugurated the programme.
The day-long training programme saw resource person including Advocate Supreme Court of India and Cyber Law Expert Dr. Pavan Duggal (through video conference), Associate Professor Law Department Jammu University Dr. Savita Nayyar, and Faculty, Cyber Crimes, Central Detective Training Institute (CDTI) Chandigarh, Gurcharan Singh, share their valuable and wide knowledge on the subject with the participants. They also shared special anecdotes from their personal experience in cyber law.
Justice Tashi Rabstan spoke about the importance of Cyber Law for the judiciary as the coming of cyberspace has revolutionized communication networks, with its vulnerability to misuse. He said there is a great need to equip ourselves with cyber laws and necessary measures to prevent its misuse, regulate its use, monitoring its operations, and provide proper deterrence to prevent recurrence of such offences.
As the country is rapidly entering into an era of digitalization, everything is put in the cyberspace vis-à-vis communication, banking, schooling, governance, commerce, storage of data, etc, it intrinsically provides criminals with easy access to penetrate and commit offences like theft, defamation, forgery among others from the considerable ease of one’s home.
“Cybercrime may become a threat to country’s security and financial health, issues surrounding this kind of crime have become high profile and there are problems of privacy, where private information is lost or intercepted lawfully or otherwise”, Justice Rabstan said.
He further added that the Government has come up with stringent laws of e-activities of Information and Technology Act 2000 to curb the issue.
Sachin Kumar Vaishya, ADC, Leh appreciated JKSJA under the guidance of Justice Tashi Rabstan for conducting this very informative conference at the right time for the awareness of the people of Ladakh.
He said that as Information Technology acts as the catalyst for the developing economy world over, it is apparent to keep a check on the cyber crimes which is bound to escalate with time. Therefore, the administrative pillars of Judiciary, Executive, Legislature set up must work in tandem for cyber security which will prove beneficial even after 3-4 decades.
He further added that such kind of training will prove highly informative for the Judicial Officers, Investigating Officers, and Public Prosecutors in their investigations.
The conference discussed in detail about Important Salient Aspects of the Indian Cyber Law, Information Technology Act, 2000; Setting of the Information Technology Act and Cyber Offences including crimes against Women and Children, and connected Cyber Law regime; Technical Aspects of Cyber Law and Information and Communication Technology; and Electronic Evidence – Legal Issues and way forward.
The brainstorming session cleared many doubts regarding the aforesaid topics.
Rajeev Gupta, Director, J&K State Judicial Academy highlighted the objective behind organising the workshop on Cyber Law.
R. S. Jasrotia, Principal District and Sessions Judge Leh, Riyaz-ul Haq Mirza, Principal District and Sessions Judge, Kargil, Suresh Chib, ASP J&K Police, Leh, Spalzes Angmo, Secretary, District Legal Services Authority and many others were present.