Reach Ladakh
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Two day film festival held in Leh
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
May 14, 2018

Leh :
Marking the birth centenary celebration of Kusok Bakula Rinpoche, two-day film festival was organised on May 12 at Nagarjuna Auditorium, Central Institute of Buddhist Studies (CIBS), Choglamsar.
Dorjey Motup, CEC said, “Bakula Rinpoche’s vision of making Ladakh developed and prosperous by means of education has so far been achieved by Ladakhi’s to a great extent. But we still hold the responsibility to ignite the light of education in every nook and corner of the region and live the dream of having both inner and outer development with eternal peace by Kushok Bakula in reality.”
Talking about the film festival, he said, films made by local filmmakers hold great relevance and importance in highlighting various social issues. And also serves as one of the best media to educate and spread awareness among the masses.
A film titled “Wangmo” directed by Tsetan Angchuk was screened during
the inaugural session. The film based on the concept ‘Beti Bachao, Beti Padao’ highlighted the importance of educating girl child.
Geshe Konchok Wangdus, Chairman, KG Bakula Centenary Committee, Tundup Dorjey, President LMCS and Rinchen Namgail, Advisor LMCS also spoke on the occasion.
Different films made by the local filmmakers were screened during the two-day film festival.