Reach Ladakh
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Near Councillor Quarter,
Twelve Day Theater workshop held in Kargil
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
Dec 20, 2014

Kargil :
The concluding ceremony of the 12 Days Play Production Oriented Theater Workshop for Amateur Artists organized under the aegis of Jammu and Kashmir Academy of Art, Culture and Languages, Kargil culminated on 18th December 2014 at Auditorium Hall, Kargil. Two plays in Balti and Purgi entitled Gyotluks by Raza Amjad Badgami and Balthodi Zungs by Muhammad Sadiq Hardassi were staged by the performing artists. Sujit Kumar (IPS) Senior Superintendent of Police, Kargil was the chief guest and Aga Syed Toha Assistant Director Tourism Kargil was the guest of honor.
Pertinently the workshop was been conducted under the guidance of Kacho Ahmad Khan the first person from Kargil to be graduate from National School of Drama. Around 60 amateur young male and female aspirants from different parts of Kargil District had applied for the participation in the 12 day theatrical event out of which 25 were selected after scrutiny and audition.
Sujit Kumar while speaking on the occasion commended the Academy for its continued quest towards the encouragement and promotion of theater arts among the enthusiastic artists in Kargil District. While congratulating the Academy for having organized yet another successful theater activity this year he impressed upon the need to organize more such events in future. He admired the whole production team for having shown keen enthusiasm and zest during the event which he said was evident from their positive performances that won a great deal of applause by the audiences.
Aga Syed Toha in his speech while underlining the need of theater as a medium of cultural preservation said that the script and the scenes of the two plays staged, consisted of several elements of the glorious past of the Kargil region which has rich multi-ethnic ethos.
Earlier welcoming the dignitaries, guests, theater enthusiasts and the participating artists Muhammad Ali Tak Cultural Officer Kargil, underlined the initiatives of the Academy towards theater promotion and its revival in Kargil. He added that the twelve day play production that showcased the theatrical events depicts the continued efforts conducted by the Academy with the objective to instill theater skills among the amateur young artists. He also said that other objectives of the academy is imparting awareness and knowledge pertaining to professional theatrical methods, so as to reform theater's lost glory in Kargil District which was at its peak especially in the decade of 1970’s. The Academy, he said, aims to popularize the age old cultural ethos. The event ended with a vote of thanks by Nazir Hussain SOCA (G1)