Tulku, Lobon & Khenpo’s enthronement ceremony held at Drikung Kagyu Samtenling Includes 5 Khenpos from Ladakh, 2 each from Bodh Kharbu and Garkhon and 1 from Kukshow village

His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche recognized Lopon Konchok Tenzin as the reincarnation of the Great Lord of the Yogins, Chunga Rinpoche at Drikung Kagyu Samtenling Vietnam on March 9.
Rinpoche’s auspicious enthronement ceremony was performed in the midst of a countless assembly of the protectors of the lineage, tulkus, gurus, and students.
Enthronement ceremony for the first generation of Khenpos of Drikung Kagyu Rinchen Palri Monastic Institute was also held.
Rinchen Palri Institute, this year, awarded 28 students, who have completed all the years of their studies, attaining Acharya Diplomas, with certificates in Madhyamika and Prajnaparamita. Out of the total 28 students, 5 Khenpos are from Ladakh including Khenpo Konchok Nurboo from Kukshow; Khenpo Konchok Zangpo and Khenpo Konchok Tharpa from Bodh Kharbu; Khenpo Konchok Dorjay and Khenpo Konchok Targyas from Garkhone.
Khenpo Konchok Sonam,Khenpo Konchok Pasang, and Khenpo Konchok Tarsang from Nepal also awarded.
Khenpo’s title is only given after graduates have accomplished many impressive feats. The new Khenpos have completed ten whole years or more, of education at Drikung Kagyu Rinchen Palri Monastic Institute. During this time, they studied scriptural texts of sutra and tantra, including texts composed by both great Indian and great Tibetan scholars. Additionally, during that time, they completed many years of general study and many years of service for the precious teachings by taking up responsibility in textual instruction acting as a “skyor pon,” the leader of a monastic class. As they performed these duties, they impressively managed to complete the nine-year curriculum of study for Sangha members.
Later, Khenpos lead by Yangsi Rinpoche offered mandala to His Holiness Chetsang Rinpoche, His Eminence Drubwang Sonam Jorfel Rinpoche, and other important individuals.
In the afternoon, His Holiness Chestang Rinpoche bestowed the empowerment of the Lord of Wealth, Dzambhala, to a great assembly. This assembly was led by His Eminence Drubwang Sonam Jorfel Rinpoche and included khenpos, tulkus, members of the monastic sangha, and over three thousand people.