Mohammad Ali Ashoor’s poetry collection ‘rGya-lon’ released in Kargil

Balti poet Mohammad Ali Ashoor poetry collection, ‘rGya-lon’ was released by CEC, Hill Council, Kargil, Feroz Ahmad Khan on February 10 at Academy Hall Kargil.
‘rGya-lon’ is a collection of 100 poems and is the first book of Balti poet Mohammad Ali Ashoor. The book was released during a special book release program by the Association of Baltis in Himalaya & Territories of Indus (ABHTI).
CEC congratulated Mohammad Ali Ashoor for releasing his first book. Praising the historians and writers of Kargil, he said that releasing a book is easy but it reveals the sweat and pain of the author for completing the book.
He said LAHDC Kargil has requested the LG Ladakh to form a policy to compensate the writers and authors to publish their books as an encouragement for their contribution.
CEC also appreciated the budding poets and writers of Kargil and advised them to carry forward the rich legacy to create a cultural repository for the coming generation.
Mohammad Ali Ashoor said the book was only possible with to encouragement and support of his friends, family, and the association.
A brief review of the book was presented by Sibtae Hassan Kalim, the famous Balti poet of Ladakh.