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LTO celebrates World theatre day; emphasis on preserving culture
By Kunzang Chorol
Apr 09, 2016

World theatre day was celebrated with great enthusiasm at Lotsava hall, Culture Academy on 27 March. The day was celebrated in collaboration with Ladakh Theatre Organization and J&K Academy of Art, Language and Culture.
Renowned Russian Stage Director, Anatoli Vassiliev wrote a message to the world. He expressed the need of theatre in human life.
“Theatre does not need any intermediary to work among human beings – it constitutes the most transparent side of light, it does not belong to either south, or north, or east, or west, it is the essence of light itself, shining from all four corners of the world, immediately recognizable by any person, whether hostile or friendly towards it,” reads the message.
Tsewang Thinles,Ladakh Buddhist Association (LBA),President was the chief guest of the occasion.
The event was started with the lightening up of butter lamp and a word of prayers. Two minutes silent was observed for the departed soul Late Phuntsog Angchuk, Kedar, a renowned Ladakhi artist.
In commemoration of the renowned artists of Ladakh who passed away this year, no musical dance was performed. Play reading of the Milarepa’s biography was performed for one hour.
Stressing the importance of culture Tsewang Thinles said that LBA is ready to help LTO in reviving the culture and traditions of Ladakh. Praising the immense work and effort of LTO in preserving the age old heritage and culture of Ladakh he said that they should not get demoralized by the negligence of the people.
He further added that the preserving of culture is also written in the constitution of LBA and they will plan and discuss to raise the budget for culture preservation and assured to extend their support on the prime basis. A sum of ₹ 20,000 was donated to the LTO by Tsewang Thinles President , Ladakh Buddhist Association from his personal fund.
Mipham Otsal President of LTO said that the organization was founded in the year 1995 which aims to protect the heritage of this region. Though it plays an important role in developing the culture and tradition of Ladakh, the sad part is that the theatre seems to be neglected by the people as well by the administration.
He said that there is a need of an encouragement and support to raise LTO and in uplifting their work. Culture is the identity of people and we should protect it on a priority basis.
To the youths of Ladakh, he said, “there is no need to imitate the culture of others we are already rich in culture. Just know about it and develop it.”
Focusing on the importance of moral education, he further added that the parents and teachers should cultivate good moral values in children from the very beginning, stressing the need of a separate subject on moral education.
Ladakh Theatre Organisation thanked Tsewang Paljor, Social Officers for Culture Activities G1 for extending support to them.
Dechen Youron, LTO artist was awarded for the ‘Overall Contribution’ for her dedication and hard work towards the organization.
Tsewang Dolma, LBA Women wing President, Konchok Stak, LBA Youth wing -President, Padmashree Morup Namgyal, Ven. Konchok Paldan and many other dignitaries were present.