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Leh observes International Mother Language Day Focus on maintaining and renewing native language
By Stanzin Dasal
Mar 03, 2016

As in the rest of the world, the International mother language day was observed on 21st February at Shenam Community hall, Leh under the aegis of Ladakh Buddhist Association, youth wing in collaboration with all the youth wing of different religious heads.
CEC, LAHDC, Leh Dr. Sonam Dawa was the chief guest of the occasion. Different religious heads, councilors, LBA women wing and many other were present on the occasion.
It was all moved to promote and aware people about the importance of the mother tongue and to urge people to use native and indigenous languages.
International Mother Language Day was proclaimed by the General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) in November 1999.The day has been observed every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity and multilingualism.
In Bangladesh, February 21 has historically been observed as Martyrs’ Day. This pays tribute to the martyrs, a number of Dhaka university students who were killed by the Pakistani police and army in Dhaka during the Bengali Language Movement in 1952.
Dr. Sonam Dawa congratulated for observing this day for the first time in Ladakh. He said that unitedly we should work to accomplish the vision of H. H Bakula Rinpoche. The deemed university status to CIBS is the first step towards the road to development and the dissemination of our language, art, and culture. The council will put every effort to develop and promote the language art and culture of Ladakh.
He further added, that along with the developing world and modernization it is very important to keep the mother tongue or the own native language in priority.
He assured that the council will work on making the use of word “Phamey jaks” instead of Parents Day in all the schools of Ladakh. He also assures that the council will allot more funds to get more books in our language in order to develop it more and more, which will help the students and youths to get more reference.
In our General council meeting, a unanimous decision was made by every councilor to wear the traditional dress and to use our native language during occasions, meeting and conferences. We are looking forward to using a translator also for the one who does not understand the language.
He stressed on making the use of language in our daily life and an effort to develop it more and more as an individual responsibility rather than waiting to get it include in the 8th schedule.
Geshes Konchok Wangdus CIBS Director stressed on the importance of our own language to keep the identity alive. He said one of the prime reasons or the loophole is that we lack in disseminating the language among the children and the lack of qualified teachers.
Today more of our student faces huge difficulties because the choices of books are very less. He urged to keep more books in our own language in all the libraries and to encourage more and more qualified teachers.
LBA President, Tsewang Thinles, Anjuman Moin ul Islam Vice President-Abdul Gaffur, Anjuman Imamia Acting President-Fida Hussain, Christian Community, Eliezer George also expressed the importance of the language and to preserve it.
The identity of the person is known by his language and culture. Today maximum of youth prefer other language or find it easier than our own language. If the importance of Bhoti language is not felt or preserve or promote it we will come to a situation when we will lose our own identity. The need of the hour is awareness about the importance of native language in life and to promote and disseminate it in the very childhood by making it compulsory in the schools and to make it as an individual responsibility to preserve it.
The inclusion of Bhoti language in the 8th schedule is very important but prior to that, there is a need for using the language more by everyone. Gen Urgain Dadul and students also spoke on the occasion.
Mementos and certificates were distributed among the students who took part in the speaking and essay competition.