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Lament over neglect of theatres in Ladakh They play a big role in folk art, says Mipham Otsal
By Rinchen Angmo Chumikchan
May 18, 2016

Theatre artists of Ladakh continue to promote theatre. Theatre has been a neglected area for a long time now, says Mipham Otsal, Director Ladakh Theatre Organisation.
The richness of theatre in traditional Ladakhi society needs no introduction, and it has been an effective and time-tested medium for the promotion of knowledge, be it social, political or religious, he says.
According to him, the attitude of the Government and other funding agencies should change if theatre activities were to reach the nook and corner of the world.
“We are forgetting the rich culture of folk tradition. Plays like ‘Nangsa Otbum’ are influenced by folklore and close observation of life”, he says.
He announces that the Ladakh Theatre Organisation will start a weekend theatre programme in Leh very soon, with the dual objective of reviving this dying art form and to showcase our cultural heritage.
He says, “We can bring revolution in society through theatre, and today if tourist are visiting Ladakh it is because of our rich culture.”
Tsewang Paljor, Special officer, Cultural Academy, says, “We have the product but we do not know how to sell it. We should change our attitude towards culture, otherwise our future will be very bleak.”
He wants that an Indian Council for Cultural Relations branch be set up in Ladakh too.