Reach Ladakh
Skara Yokma, Airport Road,
Near Councillor Quarter,
INTACH carries out conservation project of Sang Ngag Chosling monastery
By Reach Ladakh Correspondent
Bodh Kharbu,
Nov 09, 2015

Bodh Kharbu :
Conservation work of Sang Ngag Chosling Monastery started from 26th October at Bodh Kharbu in Kargil. Conservation work is done by INTACH (Indian National Trust for Art & Culture Heritage) and the funds were provided by the Tourism Development Authority Kargil.
On the occasion, INTACH team comprised of three members namely Rajeev, Rahul Raina and Merrin, Urgain Loondup (KAS) Chief Executive Officer Tourism Development Authority Kargil, Kacho Mumtaz Ali Khan Co-convener Ladakh Chapter INTACH, Kargil, the venerable monks/ nuns of Sang Ngag Chosling Monastery, Sang Ngag Chosling Tsogspa and the people of Yokmal and Bodh Kharbu village were present.
Conservation work will be done under the supervision of Mr. Nilabh Sinha, Principal Director- INTACH Conservation Institute Delhi.
The conservation team in the initial stage will be concentrating on the scientific documentation of the wall paintings and the wall support of the monastery. Trial cleaning patches and consolidation of paint layers along with plaster will also be carried out. The information thus gathered, based on trial patches will be scientifically evaluated at INTACH Science Lab in Delhi. After which full conservation camping shall be taken in the next year working season
The cost of the conservation project comes around Rs 38 Lakh. The amount has been sanctioned by Government of Jammu & Kashmir Department of Tourism.
The day called off with the colourful cultural programme.