District Level Multilingual Mushaira held at Tai Suru

Ladakh Academy of Art, Culture and Languages (LAACL), Kargil organised a District Level Multilingual Mushaira at Government High School Kargee at Tai Suru Block on November 11.
More than 15 seniors as well as budding poets of Balti, Purgi, and Shina Dardi besides the Urdu language from different parts of the district including Sankoo and Tai Suru Block presented their poetic compositions on the occasion.
The program is organised as a part of the ongoing efforts to extend the horizon of various cultural and literary activities at the Sub Divisional and Blocks of the district. Also, it aims to encourage the writers, poets, and artists of these areas to showcase their hidden talents in the field of art, culture, and literature.
Sarparast-e-Aala Anjuman-e-Sahab Zaman, Kargil, Aga Syed Muhammad Migi Od was the chief guest while Imam Jum’aa, Ahle Sunnat Wal Jama’at Panikhar, Molvi Muhammad Yaseen was the guest of honor on the occasion.
Aga Syed Muhammad Migi Od hailed the efforts of LAACL Kargil for organizing the poetic symposium at Tai Suru Block. He appreciated the poets for the excellent rendering of their poetic compositions.
He highlighted the importance of poetry as an effective persuasive medium to imbibe positive tendencies coupled with enlightenment and knowledge among the masses especially the youth. Also, he urged the officers of LAACL Kargil to organize similar programmes at Tai Suru Block in the future.
Molvi Muhammad Yaseen stated that literary and intellectual gatherings are an ideal platform to inculcate the spirit of intellectual and linguistic awakening and cultural consciousness among the masses which assumes greater significance in today’s age and time.
Deputy Secretary/ Special Officer for Cultural Activities G-1, Kargil Nazir Hussain spoke about the various steps being taken by LAACL Kargil towards the fulfillment of its mandate of cultural promotion and preservation in the district by holding different cultural and literary programmes at regular intervals.