700- year- old Gomang Stupa restored in Liktsey

Consecration ceremony of 700 years old stupa named, ‘Gomang Stupa’ was held on September 9 at Likstey village.
The restoration work on the stupa was carried out by the villagers of Likstey under the guidance of His Eminence Jigmat Nawang Namgyal Rinpoche. It took more than two months to complete the restoration work.
Major General Abhinaya Rai; Executive Councillor, Rural Development Department, Tashi Namgyal Yakzee; Councillors, Thinles Norboo and Sonam Thardos; BDC, Jigmet Yontan; HCHF, Director, Dr. Sonam Wangchuck; Ven Gyalson, Chemray chakzot, YDA President, Tsewang Dorjay and sarpanches, Nambardars of Rong Churgyut were present during the consecration ceremony.
During the day, a Singey Tsewa practice was also performed in which more than 300 practitioners participated.
Tashi Gomang Stupa commemorates the Buddha’s first teachings in Banaras (Varanasi) when he explained the Four Noble Truths and the Twelve Links of Interdependence. These teachings reveal the truth of suffering, the cause of suffering, and the skillful means to bring about the cessation of suffering and the path to enlightenment.