15 days Play Production Oriented Theatre workshop culminates in Kargil

A Purgi play titled ‘Rongkhang- depicting the results of goodness and sins in the afterlife’ was showcased on November 8 during the concluding day of the 15 days, long Play Production Oriented Theatre workshop at Language Centre, Kargil.
The play was performed by the participating artists of the 15 days long workshop organised by Ladakh Academy of Art, Culture and Languages (LAACL), Kargil.
CEC, LAHDC, Kargil, Feroz Ahmad Khan congratulated LAACL Kargil for organising play production oriented theatre workshop and expressed optimism that the Academy would further continue with its endeavors towards the promotion of theatre arts among the budding artists in the Kargil district.
He spoke about the need to make use of theatre as a potential agent and powerful medium to highlight social evils and instructed the officers of LAACL Kargil to showcase such plays on a larger level in the future. Theatre is a cultural phenomenon and persuasive medium of communication that acts as a mirror to highlight societal problems and promotes social discourse, dialogue, and potential social change, he added.
An amount of ₹ 20,000 was announced in favour of the participating artists for their admirable presentation of the Purgi play Rongkhang.
Feroz Khan assured to extend all-out support for the holding of cultural and literary events at the district level as well as cultural exchange programmes by the LAACL, Kargil. Also, he informed that the sanctioning of a Convention Centre for the district for ₹ 38 crore and the renovated Auditorium in the district with modern facilities will go a long way in giving impetus to such activities in the coming days. Adequate funds for financial assistance to registered cultural and literary societies have been kept under the District Plan.
Executive Councillor, Muhammad Ali Chandan underlined the need for theatre as a medium towards cultural preservation and hailed the scripting and the scenes of the play. He also highlighted the need to hold a similar type of workshops in the future which would prove instrumental to budding artists in enhancing their acting skills besides also bringing
a considerable change in their overall personality.
Deputy Secretary/Special Officer for Cultural Activities G-1 Kargil, Nazir Hussain highlighted the initiatives of the LAACL Kargil towards theatre promotion and revival in Kargil. He said that the 15 days play production-oriented theatrical event has been held as a part of the series of
continued efforts conducted by the Academy to encourage theatre skills among amateur young artists like mind development, expression skills, concentration, yoga, imagination, spontaneity, dialogue delivery, scriptwriting, sounds, and lighting besides acting skills.